Manuela Paul-Cavallier - マニュエラ ポール ・キャバリエ 金箔造形作家
Exhibition during the Open Studios at La Villa Kujoyama
Exhibition of some works around the Open Studios day at Villa Kujoyama.
I will also act as a former resident of the Villa.
Presentation of golden sumi and golden wooden totems "the toads sing the light", in one of the patios of the villa.
マニュエラ ポール ・キャバリエ ・キャバリエ
15h30 : Screening of Damien Odoul's film La Richesse du loup
4pm: Opening of the studio of Violaine Blaise, heritage restorer
5pm: Discussion with Damien Odoul, filmmaker
17h30 : Discussion with Manuela Paul Cavallier, gilder
6pm: Opening of Violaine Blaise's studio
18h30 : Discussion with Jean-Sébastien Lagrange, designer
7pm: Discussion with Bertrand Planes, visual artist
19h30: Discussion with Angela Detanico and Rafael Lain, visual artists, followed by a performance by dancer Takeshi Yazaki
8pm: end of the day

Open Studios Villa Kujoyama - Manuela Paul-Cavallier-マニュエラ ポール ・キャバリエ 金箔造形作家